God warns men not to add or take away from it.
互联网Scrolling marquees make page look cheap and take away from the rest of the page.
互联网"It's starting to rain again." — "Not enough to take away from the charm of the scene."
柯林斯例句Their slanders do not in the least take away from our international prestige.
互联网Excessie noise, unleashed pets and damaged surroundings take away from everyone's experience.
过度的噪音 、 解开的宠物和损坏的环境,损害了每个人的感受.
互联网For there is one thing that people cant take away from you, that is your wisdom.
因为这个世界上只有一种东西是别人无法从你的身上拿走的, 那,就是你的智慧!
互联网Our take away from these findings?
对这些发现此我们能得出什么结论 哪 ?
互联网It's the one good take - away from the article.
互联网Mon, why , why would I ever want to take away from your night?
莫妮卡, 我为什么要抢走属于你的晚上?
互联网I find my joy in he little things they to take away from me.
互联网His refusal to accept the prize does not take away from his success in winning it.
互联网It can intrude or take away from the balance of the food,'she says. "
“ 葡萄酒有着独特的香味,它能够破坏或带走食物的平衡感, ” 她说.
互联网That doesn't take away from his merit.
互联网But there is one thing he cannot take away from you: your faith.
但是有一样东西他永远也没办法夺走 —— 就是信仰.
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